A discussion with Nicola Parene. Topic: The paintings included in the exhibition Edge of Awakening. Special performance by Duo Scordatura: Nicholas Leh Baker, violin and Faith Magdalene Jones, viola.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
at Gremillion &Co. Fine Art
Artist Reception - 11:30 - 12:00
Performance - 12:00 - 12:15
Discussion - 12:15 - 12:45
Light hors d'oeuvres and mimosas served.
Please RSVP w number of guests to Harwood Taylor (713) 471-6379
or email harwood_t@gremillion.com
Everyday has its meaning... by Artist Nicola Parente
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Parente's work exhibited in Dallas as part of Gremillion &Co. Fine Art Inaugural Exhibition
Nicola Parente's artwork will be featured during the inaugural opening of Gremillion &Co. Fine Art - Dallas. Opening reception, Saturday, September 25, 2010, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Featuring works by national and international artists represented by Gremillion &Co over the last 30 years.
Gremillion &Co. Fine Art, Inc.
2251 Vantage Street
Dallas, TX 75207
(214) 905-1252
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Parente is part of First Annual Art Tour and Taste presented by Capital One Bank and Fingers Furniture
Sunday, September 19, 2010, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Houston Sports Museum @ Finger Furniture; Aerosol Warfare; Winter Street Gallery; Gremillion & Co Fine Art; 4411 Montrose; Colton & Farb Gallery; Private Home Collection
Created By Houston Young People for the Arts [HYPA]
Take your Sunday brunch on the road. Leave the driving, mimosas and art to us.
Eye-popping and Tummy tempting: snacks at every stop as well as beverage service between art pit stops.
Stops include:
Houston Sports Museum – built on the site of Buff Stadium, the former home to Houston’s historic minor league baseball team, Finger Furniture has among its couches and chairs, one of the finest collection of sports memorabilia in the country. The museum is built around the original home plage which can still be seen;
Houston Sports Museum – built on the site of Buff Stadium, the former home to Houston’s historic minor league baseball team, Finger Furniture has among its couches and chairs, one of the finest collection of sports memorabilia in the country. The museum is built around the original home plage which can still be seen;
Aerosol Warfare with Gonzo247 + CKC;
Winter Street Gallery – explore the studio space of urban painter Kevin Peterson as he prepares for the 39th Annual Bayou City Art Festival Downtown;
Gremillion & Co. Fine Art Gallery – tour the current exhibition, "Edge of Awakening", with featured artist Nicola Parente;
4411 Montrose – view the latest exhibitions at Barbara Davis Gallery and Wade Wilson Art.
Colton & Farb Gallery – currently on: Heart Like Flowing Water, solo exhibition by Yang Jin Long following his Crow Collection of Asian Art museum show & Affirmations: A Serios of Solo Exhibitions curated by Carolyn Farb: Lowell Boyers, Franco Mondini-Ruiz, Omar Angel Perez, Alfred Scaroina.
Omar Angel Perez will be in attendance with his exhibition “Stilett’O's”.
Historic Heights Home and Eclectic Personal Collection – enjoy the personal collection of preservation and prolific art appreciator Bart Truxillo on display at his personal residence, an 1893 Queen Anne Stick Victorian home listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The tour leaves at 1 p.m. by luxury coach bus from Finger Furniture located at 4001 Gulf Freeway and returns at 5 pm.
Guests are invited to join Bayou City Art Festival after the tour at Finger Furniture as it kicks off its Downtown Festival from 5 pm – 7 pm. Drinks and light bites included.
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Bayou City Art Festival
Capital One Bank
Finger Furniture
Houston Young People for the Arts of Houston Downtown Alliance
Sprinkles Cupcakes
Tart Cafe at 4411 Montrose
Capital One Bank
Finger Furniture
Houston Young People for the Arts of Houston Downtown Alliance
Sprinkles Cupcakes
Tart Cafe at 4411 Montrose
PURCHASE TICKETS HERE: http://www.houstondowntownalliance.com/hypa
Individual: $50 (plus $1.80 ticket surcharge)
Couples: $75 (plus $2.54 ticket surcharge)
Individual: $50 (plus $1.80 ticket surcharge)
Couples: $75 (plus $2.54 ticket surcharge)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Nicola Parente is Wide Awake by Maria Glymph - September 2010

Nicola Parente is Wide Awake by Maria Glymph
Nicola Parente began painting late in life but caught up and earned an international reputation before he hit 40. Armed with an MBA because that was what was expected of him – he comes from a family of entrepreneurs – Nicola started his professional career in business. Actually, as a wine importer and distributor.
Only that day dawns to which we are awake.
These are Thoreau’s words, and they have inspired Nicola’s newest body of work titled “Edge of Awakening” opening this Friday, September 10th at Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston.
The work “explores neither awakening nor its opposite, but the uncertain worlds between the two where each person must choose among possibilities. Those choices, those points of decision, visited and re-visited, both discover and invent the nature of our lives.”

Flash back.
In a conversation with an old friend about regrets, Nicola pondered what he would lament with the passage of time.
“Not being an artist.”
He couldn’t come up with reasons not to jump in and try it. His friend encouraged him. The old stereotypes of starving artists living under bridges, the impossibility of success, and that it was unthinkable as a full-time existence weren’t enough to deter him. The future was his. No remorse.
Two years later, Nicola had the same conversation with the same friend. While he had been “dabbling,” he hadn’t really committed himself to his art and couldn’t shirk the responsibility of answering to ‘Why not?’
Flash forward.
Nicola is where he wants to be and where he is most comfortable: the art world.
He began by showing his work in restaurants and coffee houses about 12 years ago. His first break came shortly after when he was asked to exhibit in a gallery, and it wasn’t long before he had his first solo show.
In 2009, he participated in “Transparent/Translucent”, curated by Wade Wilson, at the Museum Gallery at the University of Texas in San Antonio. A museum show!
Not bad.
Many variables have contributed to Nicola’s success, but the one that he points to and laughs about – a strategic plan. Music to my ears.
Once Nicola had launched into painting, another of his supportive friends urged him to develop a path with clear goals. He had an MBA. He knew about this stuff. When he was at the University of St. Thomas, he used all of his projects and case studies to focus on art, but now, it didn’t seem important.
When he was awarded a grant from Creative Capital that was spearheaded by DiverseWorks, that all changed. “The first thing they said was that we each needed a strategic plan,” he laughs. “There it was again.”
Nicola says that it forced him to start putting things in writing, to articulate what he wanted from his life and his art. “Once you start putting things in writing, they come to fruition,” he continues. “You put it out there in the universe, it’s pretty amazing, you put it out there and you get a lot back.”
One of his goals: To be in a museum show within three years. It happened in two.
Nicola has participated in numerous exhibits in the United States and Italy. His relationship with Gremillion & Co. Fine Art has been incredibly rewarding, and this is his second solo exhibit at the gallery.
Nicola’s work is organic on many levels. Themes include the displacement of people, the redevelopment of communities, and the sustainability of water. His earlier works can be viewed on his website.
Of his new series, “Edge of Awakening”, Nicola says, “Art is a venture into worlds that are often only discovered in the attempt to represent them to yourself and others.”
He prefers to paint in series, “exploring multiple ways of saying not the same thing, but similar things, related things—things that are in process and could go in a multiplicity of directions. The possibility of awakening is also the possibility of remaining unawakened. Our lives are more circuitous than linear, living in more than one environment, a step forward, a step back, moving through a land with no clear boundaries whose silence we interrupt with both our words as well as our marks of paint, discovering and inventing our futures.”
The circuitous part of Nicola’s life makes him an active member of the Houston community. The world according to Nicola is not bound by his studio walls.
With Writer’s in the Schools, Nicola teaches students about art and music and helps them articulate what they see. He creates visuals of their words for discussion and also asks their opinion of his other paintings. He enjoys getting out and interacting with the students. Don’t be fooled. He smiles, “I learn so much from the students as well.”
Over the last year, Nicola has generously donated his artwork to help raise over $19,000 for non-profits and their efforts. In 2009 for example, he was the featured artist at the annual Art for Arthritis benefit and auction, which helps the Arthritis Foundation improve lives through leadership in the prevention, control, and cure of arthritis and related diseases.
He also enjoys working with other artists. In 2008, he collaborated with Dominic Walsh Dance Theater in designing and creating the set for the World Premiere of Terminus, which is being revived this season and presented on October 21 through 23 at Zilkha Hall. In 2009, Nicola and fellow artist Divya Murthy created two site-specific installations at the Art League Houston, and each November he participates in Dia do los Muertos at Lawndale Art Center.
And there’s more.
Nicola is a huge supporter of the Houston theatre and arts community. He gets out and visits galleries to support other artists and to see what they’re working on.
He admires the work of local artists Michael Arcieri and Patrick Palmer. Both also have studios at Winter Street Studios where Nicola spends time wielding his brush. The Chilean artist Roberto Matta has had a profound influence on his work, and Nicola has spent significant time studying his paintings at The Menil Collection, which has a large body of Matta’s art.
Nicola believes that music influences art, and it is a big part of his process. He’s been told that rhythm can be seen in his work. Again he smiles (he does that a lot). In his studio, you’re apt to hear everything from opera to rap. He loses himself in the sound and emerges astonished at what he’s produced on the canvas as a result.
“Once I dedicated my life and went into my studio and began painting full time, I have found the possibilities endless. Once I opened my mind to the creative side, I had all of these ideas,” he says.
Nicola’s “Edge of Awakening” exhibit will be on view at Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Houston through October 9th.
Source: www. crawfordria.com
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Nicola Parente's Acoustic Vision at the Speed of Light by Stacey Holzer

Nicola Parente's Acoustic Vision at the Speed of Light
by Stacey Holzer
Out of observation to the larger continuum a connection to all things results from the visual acuity required to see at the speed of light. Movement and the essence of living inspires the paintings of Nicola Parente. In one word "Connection" is what drives Parente to paint. . Authentically driven by a reciprocity of living, the flow of Parente’s paintings are derived from a relevance to their surrounding environment. Intentionally concerned with movement and regentrification of the urban landscape, his paintings reflect how time passes swiftly like a rolling film projector or travelling by train seeing the landscape move in record space. As the viewer your own movement changes your point of attraction and can become a blur.
The Edge of Urban Time was a series that focused on regentrified urban areas throughout the country and the wards of Houston. Fences constructed around sites being redeveloped, people relocated in the name of urban renewal, these facts shape the landscapes of reality and his work. Monochromatic dark tones, and crosshatch transparent grids portray a glimpse of an urban jungle magnified, a hint of red is used to depict a human element. A concrete jungle remade into an urban playground. Development yields positive change yet a second look reveals the element of displacement that also occurs.
"There is meaning in every journey that is unknown to the traveler". Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This quote sets the stage for Parente’s Journey series. This body of work tears down barriers of the previous exploration of urban regentrification and reexamines the beautification of urban space. The development of Discovery Green with art, trees, and lakes was an influence. Layers of color, architectonic details, a fascination with trains and travel to Italy each year are also provocative sensations that evolve Parente’s work.
Each series organically progresses and changes within a time frame of about two years. As time passes Parente yields to an inner knowing that facilitates the entrance of a new beginning. Henry David Thoreau wrote "Only that day dawns to which we are awake" a phrase that most represents Parente’s latest work The Edge of Awakening.
Acceleration of time is a phrase you hear often in our world of ever changing complexities and it comes with a desire to return to self redefining what is important. For Parente becoming a full time artist was a way of doing just that. Imagining what his father would experience as a farmer in Italy, returning to the land as sustenance over and again. Although Nicola retains an urban aesthetic the return to authenticity is similar in feel and imagining, the results are completely of his own design.
As a contemporary artist using twenty-first century materials Parente utilizes a method of subtraction, working wet on wet, charcoal powders are reduced with brushes that reunite them. He researched various plastics at length to determine which surface would best prove ground for the images he creates. Parente says "a successful painting must create an emotional response not a positive or negative one but an echo strong enough to remember".
The creative process is stepping into a place of allowance where you are willing to be vulnerable enough to let go and allow creative expression to flow through you. Time disappearance happens when you become one with what you create. Remaining present enough to let go without much thought generates the most successful result. Parente says "Painting is a meditation remembering and resonance allow oneness with what you are doing. Losing yourself in the moment is fantastic, a transitional state of pure creativity".
Parente is currently working as one of the visiting visual artists for Writers in the Schools program (WITS). Since 2009 he has worked with over 800 students, elementary through middle school. Parente is paired with one of WITS' teaching poets to create deep arts-infused learning experiences. Students work closely with a writer/poet to create self-reflective writings of their own. Parente then guides the students in transforming their own writing into a visual art component.
Parente’s most recent project was in conjunction with the JoaquĆn Torres-Garcia exhibition at the Menil Collection. Students toured the collection, worked with a poet, and then created their own wood or cardboard abstraction generating symbols and writing to tell their story of arrival. Parente says "It was powerful work. I was amazed at how deep the students dug to create their poems and how high they flew to create their artwork. Seeing the immense results from this kind of collaborative work, inspires me, I now believe that the arts feed one another in unexplainable ways". Many of the kids involved in the program have little or no exposure to museums or galleries. A strong belief in giving back to the community sparked Parente’s involvement in this worthy program.
Authenticity and the caring spirit of inclusiveness are what define the expression of Nicola Parente. As his work continues to evolve it will be wonderful to see what is yet to unfold. Nicola Parente’s solo exhibition Edge of Awakening is now on view at Gremillion & Co. Fine Art through October 9th 2010.
Source: Visualseen.net
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Positively Parente by Sarah Rumsey, Houston Magazine - September 2010

Positively Parente by Sarah Rumsey
Italy-born, Houston-based abstract artist Nicola Parente unveils his latest works in a buzzed-about show, Edge of Awakening, at Gremillion & Co. Fine Art gallery this month. To make each piece—in which white space is sliced with intermittent black lines and splashes of color—the artist used recycled plastics, charcoals and inks to convey his hopeful message. “The importance of a new day, new beginning and society’s own awakening to those moments,” says Parente. “Each awakening brings new opportunity to create, and that is what I hoped to have captured.”
Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, 2501 Sunset Blvd., 713.522.2701, Sept. 10-Oct. 6, opening reception Sept. 10, 6-8pm.
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